1.19 :: July 27, 2008
- bug which truncated posts during the import has been fixed
1.18 :: March 4, 2008
- Call-time pass-by-reference bug fixed
1.17 :: January 8, 2008
- all-seo-in-one support added
1.16 :: November 15, 2007
- "Take title from first line" bug fixed
- random time bug fixed (for posting frequency > 1 post per day)
- byte-order mark bug fixed
1.15 :: October 24, 2007
- Tag support
- WP2.3 compatibility
1.14 :: May 6, 2007
- Post frequency up to 10 posts per day (in previous version you could not have post frequency less than 1 post per day)
- Natural order for sorting source files
- Tested with WordPress 2.1.3
1.13 :: April 16, 2007
- Bug fix for new method of storing static pages, implemented in WP2.1
- Tested with WordPress 2.1.0
1.12 :: October 1, 2006
- Extra override codes (excerpt, name)
- Option to choose post status
- Now plugin allows to import both posts and pages
- Small interface improvement
- Tested with WordPress 2.0.4
1.11 :: July 24, 2006
- Option to feed the plugin with files from zip or from server folder
- Option to extract title from post contents (choose how many words to take)
- Time Randomness feature
- Tested with WordPress 2.0.3
1.1 :: January 21, 2005
- Single version for zip_ and mzip_ forks (function_exists() check)
- Selectbox to choose author of the articles posted.
- Tested with WordPress 2.0 - works fine
October 22, 2005
- WordPress 1.5.2 is not doing addslashes in wp_insert_post()
Very stupid behaviour, but i've added bugfix - calling to addslashes
before wp_insert_post() for WordPress >= 1.5.2
Not sure if this started in WordPress 1.5.1, so if plugin shows MySQL
error caused by quotes/slashes, change 1.5.2 to 1.5.1 in this line:
if (version_compare($wp_version,"1.5.2","ge"))
Summary 2005
- fork for zip & mzip versions
back to manual index
ver 1.0.2
Use this wordpress plugin to output contents based on visitor's country or simply send all traffic from certain countries to other source.
Automatic GeoIP database updates. One click installation.
More details »
October 2009
July 2008
Article Import Plugin ver 1.19 »»»
June 2008
Article Import Plugin ver 1.18 »»»