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Site Admin menu

Admin section
Having installed the system one should update the site settings on the corresponding page of the Admin section. Some default values could be adjusted here.
On the Register codes page the ten new codes could be generated with the help of which Free user can become Pro one.
Cron Daemon menu item lets mails be sent.

Users section
Admin can observe registered users clicking on List of Users. One can disable user account turning appropriate checkbox off. Editing user details and campaigns is also available.
Members could be seen grouped by their Free or Pro status.
The search by member's name or campaign is available too. Found keyword will be highlited in the results page.

Email management
E-mail templates are available for updating in the Email management menu section.
On this menu Members NewsLetter is managed also.

Front-end templates could be edited in Templates section. Smarty variables are used inside.

Admin tool
The system provides possibility to create several admin accounts in Administrators section.
Configurations settings could be done to sort out the number of users output per page and so on.
To change password the old one should be typed on corresponding section and then new password, retyped once more on the next input box.
At the bottom of menu one could log out and view system About details.

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ad tracker Featured Product
TheRedirector Plugin

TheRedirector Plugin

ver 1.0.2

WordPress plugin that replaces external links inside posts and comments, and keeps track of links that have been clicked. Allows blog owner to specify which links must stay external. The easiest way to hide external links on wordpress blog. More details »

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wordpress plugin, wordpress geotargeting, seo plugin, article posting plugin, ad tracker, ad tracking software, php news script, news script