Linking mechanism is used for convenient linking in the system. Each news has "Links" property. They can have unlimited amount of links, one link per line. All links can be divided in 2 categories:
First are used to send the user out of site (to the link starting with "http://"). Format of external link is: Name||URL
An example of external link is: Webous Agency||http://webous.com
It would produce link like this: All other links are external. They are links to certain news or news archive. Currently they can be:
WordPress GeoTargeting Pluginver 1.0.2
Use this wordpress plugin to output contents based on visitor's country or simply send all traffic from certain countries to other source. October 2009
New product: TheRedirector Plugin »»»
July 2008
Article Import Plugin ver 1.19 »»»
June 2008
Article Import Plugin ver 1.18 »»»