If you want to change the look of front-end part of your site (http://yoursite.com), you must edit templates. There is 'List of templates' item in admin menu, which lists all available templates. You can edit any of them. Script utilizies smarty templates (http://smarty.php.net - here you can find manual "Smarty for webmasters"). Basically it's just html with some {} tags. Smarty in brief: {$CFG.sitetitle},{$CFG.webroot} - settings that you filled in 'Site Settings' (here we just output them in html) {include file="footer.tpl"} - including other template {foreach from=$Categories item=Name key=Filename} - simple loop {$Name} - outputing variable If you need to insert styles or javascript (anything with {} symbols) please use the following construction: {literal} function ads() {blablabla;} function ads2() {blablabla2;} {/literal} This is needed because {} are smarty delimiters, so we need to tell parser not to parse {} in javascript etc with {literal} tag |
WordPress GeoTargeting Pluginver 1.0.2
Use this wordpress plugin to output contents based on visitor's country or simply send all traffic from certain countries to other source. October 2009
New product: TheRedirector Plugin »»»
July 2008
Article Import Plugin ver 1.19 »»»
June 2008
Article Import Plugin ver 1.18 »»»